Monday, November 2, 2009

Halfsight's Top Android Apps Pt. I

Ok, so I root a lot of phones so naturally I get a lot of people asking me what my favorite applications are. I am not going to give a top ten list or top whatever. What I will do is break down into categories the different apps i use for different things.

So lets start with my favorite apps. If you have a G1 or mytouch, then you already know about the "Google experience". I have to say is a killer app suite. Gmail, Google Sync, Google Maps, Gtalk, The Market, and all the other stuff Google offers is more than practical. So thats the basic, now for the Actual Apps I use.

I will go with communication and social today. Everybody has there favorite IM client or VOIP service. or social network sight. Well, here is what I use.

1. Gtalk

This app comes in handy. All messages appear in the notification bar if that is what you prefer. In the contacts menu if you have their Gtalk set then it will show if they are online. Quick, free messages!


2. Twidgit (lite)

Ok so I twitter. I admit it. I have a pretty good circle and you want to follow me my twitter is @halfsight. I just don't think I am very interesting. But you never know. This has Twitpic built in, private messaging and re-tweet. It comes in handy when you may need some valuble info on the fly, or just have an outrageous photo or event to share with your friends. I have my twitter tied to update facebook and myspace.


3. Facebook

They finally came out with their app. It it works great. You can comment on peoples status and update your own and share pics. You can also place a widget on the desktop that shows peoples status as they update.


4. Palringo

If ever you need an alternative chat client. Palringo is the one. It even supports Facebook.


5. Meebo

Now if you don't like the look or feel of Palringo, Try Meebo.


6. Loopt

So my boy Grayden turned me on to this. I love Google Latitude. But you can use Loopt to update your Twitter with your location and in turn, for me, updates my Facebook and Myspace. Handy if your friends cannot find you.

7. Google Voice

This should really be higher on my list, but I use the other apps more frequently at this time. So Google went and started offering phone numbers, for free, in the form of Google Voice. You can take your Google Voice number and forward it to all of your phones. Or just have a separate number that rings your phone. You can also send text message via Google Voice. Right now the service is invite only.


8. Myspace

If you use Myspace this is the app to have. Come with 3 widgets and the ability to update your profile.


9. Linkedin

So if you are a professional and are looking for a way to ge yourself out there, Linkedin is a great way to market yourself to other professionals.


So I guess this section ended up being a top nine social and communication apps. Try them out and enjoy!

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